Sunday, May 18, 2014

An Open Letter to all European Politicians

The Absolute Solution to Long Term Population Problems

The government of your country needs to begin paying stay at home mothers who are taking care of their children. I am not talking about sending them monthly or yearly benefits, I am talking about an out right salary. The stay at home mother (or father) would have a full eight hour work shift where they are being paid. The shift does not necessarily have to be seven days a week,and the salary of the stay at home parent would raise with each child. Once the child was a certain age and able to better care for itself, you would essentially let this 'employee' or care taker go. This will not only cause a long term baby boom which should steady at around 2 kids per woman, it will help your economy by employing parents and likewise these employed mothers will be able to spend money and boost the economy. It is a win-win situation. To date, every country has been an utter failure in terms of helping their native mothers have more babies. Parenting is a job, now do your job and employee these mothers. Thank you.

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