According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs report of 2004, which was quietly released; All countries are projected to have reached replacement fertility by 2175.
Countries based on Population Density - Click to enlarge |
One must question as to why the most densely populated continent on the planet is allowing mass immigration into the countries, where as a country such as China (as the above figure shows) is drastically trying to remain below the replacement level with not only births but immigration.
You have over fourteen countries in Europe alone that is equal to or greater than the population density of China, yet these countries are actively trying to raise the birth rate and nine of these countries are actively allowing mass immigration into their countries.
Czech Republic is estimated to be at the replacement level by 2085. Germany by 2090. Italy by 2090.
The United Kingdom (figure above: one of the most densely populated countries in the world) will continue to grow past 2100 due to mass immigration, losing much of its native peoples, culture and wonderful countryside.
Ireland will continue to boom to over 7 million people by 2100 because of babies being born; yet they insist on bringing in more immigrants to possibly lose the awesome countryside which currently exists.
Japan will continue to decline past 2100, however it will sharply slow down around this time and will be around 80 million people when they hit the replacement level. Imagine.. Japan brings in millions of immigrants as many western and northern European countries have done. We insist on overpopulating these countries when we need to let time take its course in order to Save the Worlds wonderful native peoples and cultures. This isn't about racism, it's about preserving the world! Imagine if we all looked the same, spoke English and all lived in one country called 'Earth' under a one-world government. This would not be multicultural or diverse, it would be boring! People born in Japan will have a life expectancy of over 105 years in 2300.
Europe, as a whole will continue to decline down to 674.4 million people in 2095 where it will finally hit the replacement level in 2100 where the population would have increased to 674.8 million people. No one knows how many of these people will be Native-Europeans. Europe will have been the first to accomplish this feat, Asia would be the next to follow decades later. However, the Native-European replacement level is below all immigrant groups currently so one would assume immigrants living in Europe will have less babies as Africa and Asia have less babies. While this is happening, the Native European birth rate may be rising and stay above for a few decades before they all even out. As with the rest of Europe -- Russia will decline in overall population until it hits around 90 million and will slightly grow there-after.
Other than that, about Europe -- The UN has Europe listed at a low of 538.4 million in 2100 and raises every year from that point up to 611.3 million in 2300. (This document only shows every 50 year medium scenario)
European population estimates up to 2300. Click to enlarge |
Of course to say someone can predict to 2300 is absurd and if birth rates in Europe stay the same until 2300, the population of the European Union would fall to 59 million. Down from over 450 million today. Of the 59 million only 5 million would reside in Eastern Europe.
Total fertility rates up to 2140 - Click to enlarge |
The ageing population scare tactic used by the media to import mass immigration into the most densely populated continent on the planet is being used on you and everyone else! Help stop the madness! All I ask is you write to European elected officials through letters, email or phone calls, whether or not you live in the continent or not! You can find a complete list of governments here (this is a link to Germany). BE SURE TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE WHICH WILL BE UPDATED AS TIME GOES ALONG. COMPLETE LIST OF COUNTY ELECTED OFFICIALS IN SWEDEN, CLICK HERE TO VISIT (Click the country on top of the page).
In our anger we should not be blind, and in our fear we should not be afraid to tell the world how we feel. We should be encouraging world politicians to get involved in Africa and other needy countries. Let's be honest, wealthy people generally do not mass immigrate and when it does happen they tend to be respectful to the host countries culture and ways of life.
Protect your children and don't let the system kill them.
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