Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

Shoutout to our Russian readers

Help save this wonderful culture!!
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Say no to Immigration! Say no to the European Union (aka Little USA)!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Immigration has no pluses - And this guy proves it!

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Click to enlarge .. The man resides in the UK, obviously a wonderful multi-cult muslim
Say no to the European Union! Say no to the United Kingdom!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Prince Harry visits Africa

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So, if you haven't heard Prince Harry visited Africa today and in return the kids of Africa were forced to fly British flags.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hitler Returns

The video is 10 minutes long, however the cause of the video has so much meaning.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More Gentlemen of the Muslim faith arrested in Canada for bomb plot

Article: Muslims in Canada arrested for bomb plot

Well, it seems to be a running thing recently on this blog... Muslims plotting to blow things up, so here is another article I feel you should read about these gentlemen.

Say no to the European Union! Say no to Immigration!

Monday, April 22, 2013

4 Muslim Gentlemen are arrested for bomb plot in UK

 Article: 4 Muslims in the UK jailed for bomb plot

What will it take to get you cock suckers reading my dear, lovely blog? The article above is about 4 Muslim men in the UK who were arrested for bomb plotting... Yet the British citizens seem to love this characters and promote racial harmony and diversity among their own native lands! You Brits are a fucking joke!

Thanks to all the Americans, Germans, and Russians who read this blog!! The top three countries in terms of readers.

Say no to Britain! Say no to Globalization!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

UK School drops Christianity in favor of Islam

Article: Insane UK school caters to muslim children

Is there really anything to write? This is insane, way to kill your culture Britain.. Yes! You can make a difference... Posting on the internet is not going to change this; however if you are a British citizen you can protest the school outside of the building, call the school, give bomb threats or whatever pleases you haha.

Anyways, Sorry I didn't post on Saturday; I was out of town.

Say no to Islam in Europe! Say no to British citizens!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Turkey Warns Europe of New Holocaust

Article: Turkey Warns Europe of New Holocaust if they do not Accept Islam

As always, click the link above.. be sure to check out the comment section towards the bottom.

Turks, pissing on Europeans since the creation of man!

Say no to Turkey! Say no to Immigration!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Later tonight I will be adding a donation page, and any amount would be appreciated.. The money will go towards the campaign of encouraging and spreading awareness to saving the wonderful worlds cultures. The specifics would be... YouTube thumbs up so the comment about awareness gets top comment, YouTube views on certain videos about saving cultures throughout the world and such. Feel free to donate; or at least spread the word to everyone native in Europe, Asia, Arabia, Africa to saving their wonderful cultures!

Say no to Globalization! Say no to Immigration!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jobless rate in UK rises

Article: Jobless rate in UK rises

Is it just me, or is it really pathetic how the UK government throws aside its native population who have lived on the lands for thousands of years, starts to bring in millions of "immigrants" who bring their culture, do not practice British culture and ruin the country? What a pathetic joke, Britain, you have no balls --- Nor do your citizens for being scared to stand up to some pussy in a suit.

Say no to British citizens! Say no to the UK!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Immigrant attacks U.S. Army Captain

Asian Immigrant attacks Soldier because of his service

Click the link above for the full article; will someone please expain to me why countries allow douchebag immigrants like this into their countries?

Say no to Globalization! Say no to Immigration!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Why is 'diversity' a good thing?

This is a serious question, which I will receive death threats from the left for simply asking it, haha.. But, honestly... why is it good? Why promote something like diversity? I see it as neither bad nor good, if it happens let it happen (in terms of the Americas) if it doesnt happen, dont push it, let it be... Live and let live, right liberals?

Say no to tards! Say no to globalization!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hahaha white people


Hahha, sucks for you.. Time to grow a pair according to this man. Just thought this was funny :)

Say no to the European Union! Say no to immigration!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Muslim in France Terrorist Bouchra Bagour CLEARED. LOL.

Political Correctness at its finest! Say no to France!

Click the weird ass title which will redirect you to the actual article; it is 4 am and I am about to go commit suicide because of all the Political Correct bullshit in this world. Before I go I do want to say I wanted to keep this blog professional; that is obviously not panning out... It is pretty impossible to do with all the bullshit I read haha, have a good day cock suckers.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Police allow pigs to oink at Stockholm mosque

Police allow prayer calls at Stockholm mosque

A mosque in the south of Stockholm was given the all-clear by Swedish police on Thursday to make prayer calls from its minaret, the first time such permission has ever been granted in the country.

Click the top link to read the full article; be sure to check out the comments. Also, I read about 150 political correct articles a day, and that is considering I only read about 151 articles a day..Was thinking of starting another blog, Stop Political Correctness Horseshit, or somewhere along the lines of that haha.

Anyways, in my opinion, Sweden is a pussy country without a pair; and so are all of its citizens.

Say no to the European Union! Say no to Sweden!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

United States Government using Citizens money to promote Gaysexual agenda abroad


The U.S. Agency for International Development, the federal government’s main foreign aid arm, announced at a Monday event in Washington a major new initiative to promote LGBT rights in developing countries.

One giant step towards globalization! One huge leap for a one-nation earth!
 Say no to the European Union! Say no to Immigration!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Shoutout to all the Deutschland followers

Prost! To Oktoberfest! One of the amazing special things in Germany. I'm sad to say this; if you keep the immigration and continue globalizing with the European Union, your special culture will go from this:

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To this:

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All jokes aside, it is a serious threat..Germany just had a national raid day on extremist muslims; and it is the same from all countries across Western Europe. Sure, there may be 1 in 15 million muslims that takes their clothes off, conforms to the culture, but there are still 14.999999 million who prefer to take over and run your wonderful culture to the ground! Say no to the European Union! Sagen Sie Nein zu der EU!

(I'll apologize for any translations not up to par, google translate is really bad :))

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Golden Dawn to protect citizens from hate crimes


Click the link above to read the full story; it is a prime example of globalization and how the gypsies living in Eastern Europe use the European Union to essentially move to another country and become beggars/thieves their.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Less serious note

I just want to take a day off of the news and post a somewhat less serious topic. It seems as though the majority of people in developed countries feel as though if a country wants to become "developed" or first world; it needs to lose its culture and become the United States' little bitch. By this, I do mean lose all the culture, let every culture in the world invade their native country and push out the old culture...live like Americans or be made fun of. Let's be real for a second. What do you think of when you hear Culture in the United States? Most likely, nothing..or multi-cult. Sure, you think of many cultures; but you still can't tell me what that looks like. It is totally different than it was in the 1900s, anyone could tell you what culture in the U.S. was. On the like-side, everyone can explain Mexican culture, Spanish culture and Chinese culture. Say no to the European Union! Say no to Globalization!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mosques exploading all over Europe..


Click the above link to read the full article; which is basically showing how historically Muslims have built Mosques as a way of showing victory; or conquering something. It's a shame Europe insists on taking it up the butt from non-natives.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Letter to the Colleges hits the mark


Click the link above to read an interesting article about being White...or Caucasian in America. With stories from my friends who are white, I would assume she hit it perfectly!

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Immigrants bully a native


Video description: A Foreigner in Sweden uploaded a video on his Youtube channel showing him and another foreigner hitting a Swedish guy.

Click the above link to watch the video; some Muslim kids in Sweden bully a native Swedish kid. The bullies names are Mukii Hajrula and Metus Kurtic-Denaj.

If anyone is in Sweden; you can report this video to the police as we have their names.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


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As you can see in the two images above, immigrants tend to segregate themselves no matter where they go, throw the culture that was previously there AWAY FOREVER and take over with their own culture. Say no to immigration!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Muslims in Germany demanding days off

(Reuters) - Muslims living in Germany should be granted two days of official holiday a year to mark important religious festivals, a leading member of the country's Muslim community said, drawing criticism from within Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling conservatives.

 Read the article: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/28/us-religion-germany-muslims-idUSBRE92R0GB20130328

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What's in Store...

  • Tomorrow we will have an outrageous article all the way from Germany; just wait until you read what some groups are demanding!
  • Thursday we will explore Chinatown
  • On Friday we will take a look at a very interesting video of immigrants bullying a native. The country will be kept quiet until Friday; be sure to check it out (:

And, today we have a pretty funny; and true picture.
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Monday, April 1, 2013

Crazy Racist on a Bus


Click the above link to see a crazy racist on a bus. If this man was Caucasian, hell would freeze over and the man would be sent to life in jail.